Writer/Producer, Prodigy
Planetary Scientist & Astrochemist
Production Designer, Picard
Star Trek Documentarian
Star Trek Writer
VFX Artist, Star Trek
Star Trek licensed Painter
Visualization Scientist
Star Trek Historian
Stunt Woman
Art Director, Picard
Script Coordinator, TNG/DS9/VOY
"Ziyal" in DS9
Composer, Prodigy & SNW
Walter Koenig
Walter Koenig joins Virtual Trek Con and reviews, for the first time, Star Trek: The Original Series. Join us for the premiere of Walter Koenig's review of "The Wrath of Khan."
12pm PT / 3pm ET
"Friday's Child" Review
12pm PT / 3pm ET
"The Wrath of Khan" Review
Special T7R Compilation
The Five Most Memorable TNG Guests with Denise Crosby
11:30am PT / 2:30pm ET
The 7th Rule
Falling Tower
Lamda Quadrant
Syfy Sistas
455 Films
The D-Con Chamber
The Neuroverse Initiative
Star Trek and Chill
"We believe that the Space Sciences should be accessible to all and that a diversity of minds will only accelerate our discovery and understanding of the Universe." -TNI
For the first time, Virtual Trek Con is showcasing special science communications for the benefit of our viewers. Throughout the Virtual Trek Con 6 event, science talks will be provided by space scientists from The Neuroverse Initiative.
The Neuroverse Initiative is an advocate group of space scientists committed to advancing neuroinclusion in Space Science through Training, Research, and Advocacy.
Dr. Ali Mattu
John Orquiola
Charlynn Schmiedt
Jenny R. Johnson
Marina Kravchuk
Andre Cotman
Matt Boardman
Katie Nickolaou
Joy Lee