Podcast Day 

8am PT / 11am ET
Watch Discovery!!!
That’s it.

Just go watch the Star Trek: Discovery finale that just dropped, and then join The 7th Rule’s review of it today at

6:30pm PT / 9:30pm ET!

9am PT / 12pm ET
In Loving Memory of Richard Arnold
Take a moment to remember Richard Arnold with us. This interview was recorded just a few months before he passed and we were wowed by his stories of working so closely with Gene Roddenberry.
The Virtual Trek Con Stage:

10am PT / 1pm ET
DS9 Lost Episode: “In My Life”
We all want more Deep Space Nine episodes. This is the closest we’ll ever get to that. Writer, Ethan Calk has pitched episodes that were picked up and made on DS9. Today, he joins The 7th Rule to discuss an episode he pitched to the writers of Deep Space Nine that did NOT get picked up, as well as what was said in the pitch meeting so long ago.
The Aron Eisenberg Stage:

DS9 Lost Episode: “Papa Quark”
We all want more Deep Space Nine episodes. This is the closest we’ll ever get to that. Writer, Marc Scott Zicree has pitched episodes that were picked up and made on DS9 and TNG. Today, he joins The 7th Rule to discuss an episode he pitched to the writers of Deep Space Nine that did NOT get picked up, as well as what was said in the pitch meeting so long ago.
The Aron Eisenberg Stage:

11am PT / 2pm ET

The 7th Rule Roundtable – LLAPy Awards Predictions

Join the 7th Rule and some of their Patrons in this Roundtable discussion as they make their bold LLAPy winners predictions!
The Aron Eisenberg Stage:

12pm PT / 3pm ET
Syfy Sistas – Star Trek Top Ten: The Women
The Syfy Sistas are going back to our roots at VTC and they've brought another Top 10 list! This time they'll be discussing their Top 10 Women of Star Trek. How does your list stack up against theirs? Join the discussion and let's compare!

1pm PT / 4pm ET

The Voyager Documentary – Update and Live Discussion

Join producers of the Voyager Documentary as they catch you up on everything – from what they’ve shot over the last several months, to the Star Trek Cruise, to perk fulfillment, to what’s left to shoot. And they may have brought a sneak peek with them!
The Virtual Trek Con Stage:

2pm PT / 5pm ET
Garrett Wang and Megan Elise
Half of The Delta Flyers team joins us to talk about Star Trek: Voyager, The Delta Flyers, and The Voyager Documentary. With Cirroc Lofton, Malissa Longo, and Ryan T. Husk.
The Virtual Trek Con Stage:

3:15pm PT / 5:15pm ET
Star Trek and Chill
It doesn’t get any better than this new Friday night live show, “Star Trek and Chill.” The name is pretty self-explanatory, but there’s one catch for all panelists and viewers – you have to have a beverage with you. So grab your prune juice, Romulan ale, kanar, tranya, snail juice, or raktajino and just chill for a while. You deserve it!
The Virtual Trek Con Stage:

5pm PT / 8pm ET
The Greatest Generation visits Ten Forward
Ben and Adam of the Greatest Generation aren’t only a little bit embarrassed to have a Star Trek podcast. They also love to hit the beaches of Risa to sip on jippers, knock back Kanar at Quark’s, and sample the finest prune juices in the galaxy in Ten Forward! For this stream they’ll be making, tasting, and rating a selection of cocktails from the book “Star Trek Cocktails: A Stellar Compendium.”

6:30pm PT / 9:30pm ET
The 7th Rule Presents: The Star Trek Discovery Finale
Cirroc Lofton and Ryan T. Husk review the brand new first episode of Star Trek: Discovery, season three, on their weekly show, The 7th Rule. Joining them to discuss the episode – and the entire season – is Star Trek science advisor and uber-fan, Dr. Mohamed Noor.
The Aron Eisenberg Stage:

7:30pm PT / 10:30pm ET
DS9 Lost Episode: “Untitled Jake Story”
We all want more Deep Space Nine episodes. This is the closest we’ll ever get to that. Writer, Ethan Calk has pitched episodes that were picked up and made on DS9. Today, he joins The 7th Rule to discuss an episode he pitched to the writers of Deep Space Nine that did NOT get picked up, as well as what was said in the pitch meeting so long ago.
The Aron Eisenberg Stage:

8pm PT / 11pm ET
The Voyager Documentary Update
A second premiere of this incredible panel for our international fans and friends, with fully interactive live chat!
The Rene Auberjonois Stage:

9pm PT / 12am ET
Garrett Wang and Megan Elise
A second premiere of this incredible panel for our international fans and friends, with fully interactive live chat!
The Aron Eisenberg Stage:


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