Science and Women Day

7:45am PT / 10:45am ET
WTF Clip: Who is Your Favorite Character on Disenchantment?
Remember Saturday morning cartoons? Well, we can’t bring you that. But we CAN bring you this clip of Falling Tower DISCUSSING a cartoon to start your day off right! With special guest Neil Patrick Stevens.
The Rene Auberjonois Stage:

8am PT / 11am ET
DS9 Lost Episode: “Jake’s Story”
We all want more Deep Space Nine episodes. This is the closest we’ll ever get to that. Writer, Mark O’Connell has pitched episodes that were picked up and made on DS9. Today, he joins The 7th Rule to discuss an episode he pitched to the writers of Deep Space Nine that did NOT get picked up, as well as what was said in the pitch meeting so long ago.
The Aron Eisenberg Stage:

8:30am PT / 11:30am ET
DS9 Lost Episode: “Conscience”
We all want more Deep Space Nine episodes. This is the closest we’ll ever get to that. Writer, Ethan Calk has pitched episodes that were picked up and made on DS9. Today, he joins The 7th Rule to discuss an episode he pitched to the writers of Deep Space Nine that did NOT get picked up, as well as what was said in the pitch meeting so long ago.
The Aron Eisenberg Stage:

9am PT / 12pm ET
Lambda Quadrant:
From Metaphor to Storyline: The History of LGBTQ Representation in Star Trek.
Since the beginning Star Trek storylines have talked about social issues, but until Discovery, LGBTQ stories were always approached in metaphor with episodes like TNG’s The Outcast through Enterprise episodes Stigma and Cogenitor. Join the Lambda Quadrant crew for a frank discussion about how the Star Trek series have supported the LGBTQ community.

10am PT / 1pm ET
Life Support LIVE Finale
After almost two years, the weekly format of LSL ends today with a grand finale on VTC 3 — and the two doctors live in-person together, for only the second time! Since the early weeks of the pandemic, “Dr. Trek” Larry Nemecek and geek psychologist Dr. Ali Mattu of The Psyche Show — "one of them a real doctor”— set out weekly to Boldly Go in Uncertain Times. That means bringing connection, comfort AND Trek geekery of course to Trek fans around the world, live every Saturday with live chat and a theme based on Trek new and old—for backstage deep-dives and mental health tips.
Larry and Ali invite Trekfans everywhere to join the Lifers audience and live chat for a “greatest hits” of the show, one last Away Mission from Ali and a K3 Factor from Larry—and a few surprises to boot.

12pm PT / 3pm ET
Women at Warp - Bringing Trek (and Trekkies) into the Now
Ever since The Next Generation, new Star Trek series have grappled with how to stay relevant and attract new viewers while honoring the legacy of previous series and navigating the opinions of the existing fan base. The hosts of Women at Warp are delighted to be joined by special guest Malissa Longo to talk about how the newest additions to the Star Trek franchise like Lower Decks and Prodigy are mapping their own approaches, drawing in new fans while keeping long-time fans along for the ride.

1pm PT / 4pm ET
Mars Science and Star Trek
Dr. Tanya Harrison and Dr. Abigail Fraeman are both trailblazing Mars Scientists and big Star Trek fans. They’ll blow your mind with what they’ve done and seen, as well as talk Trek with the best of ‘em! Moderated by Dr. Mohamed Noor and Ryan T. Husk.
The Virtual Trek Con Stage:

2pm PT / 5pm ET
The Renaissance Awards LIVE!
This live awards show features Star Trek from 2017-2019 – a little too old to be in the “New Star Trek” division and a little too new to be in the “Legacy” division of Sunday night’s LLAPy Awards show, so they’re getting their own special, named after the Star Trek Renaissance that started in 2017.
The Virtual Trek Con Stage:

2:30pm PT / 5:30pm ET
Science Quiz Show

Learn science via Trek!
Join Meteorologist Katie Nickolaou, "BioTrekkie" Dr. Mohamed Noor, and Dr. Ann Marie Segal (TrekkieMD) in this latest installment as they ask a range of science questions related to Star Trek, and talk about connections to real-world science. Dabble in some biology (especially genetics & evolution), physical science (especially meteorology), and medicine, both real-world and fictional.

3:30pm PT / 6:30pm ET
Dan Curry
Do you know who created the Klingon Bat’leth and Mek’leth? Dan Curry. The VFX and Art Department Guru has worked on The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and Enterprise, and he’s got so many fascinating stories to share! Moderated by Cirroc Lofton and Ryan T. Husk.
The Virtual Trek Con Stage:

DS9 Lost Episode: “Pyramids”
We all want more Deep Space Nine episodes. This is the closest we’ll ever get to that. Writer, Ethan Calk has pitched episodes that were picked up and made on DS9. Today, he joins The 7th Rule to discuss an episode he pitched to the writers of Deep Space Nine that did NOT get picked up, as well as what was said in the pitch meeting so long ago.
The Aron Eisenberg Stage:

5pm PT / 8pm ET
Mothers of Trek

An in depth discussion about balancing motherhood and show business. What goes into balancing such a demanding career, the stereotypes women are expected to conform to, while nurturing new life? Four women who’ve graced the screen of Deep Space Nine have agreed to take part in this conversation, Nana Visitor, Terry Farrell, Nicole DeBoer, and Kitty Swink! Hosted by Malissa Longo.
The Virtual Trek Con Stage:

6pm PT / 9pm ET

Zócalo: Star Trek PRODIGY’s First 10 Episodes and Their Impact on Star Trek Fandom

Join your Zócalo hosts Charlynn Schmeidt and Norman C. Lao as they take a much deeper look at the first 10 episodes of Star Trek: Prodigy and see if you feel as they do...that this series, even though animated...even though perhaps just a "kids show"...could very well be one of the finest Star Trek series ever created.

7pm PT / 10pm ET
The Physics of Star Trek
Lawrence M. Krauss is a world-renowned professor of theoretical physicist and cosmologist, and author of The Physics of Star Trek, and Beyond Star Trek: Physics from Alien Invasions to the End of Time. Moderated by Scott Baker.
The Virtual Trek Con Stage:

8pm PT / 11pm ET
Mars Science and Star Trek
A second premiere of this entertaining interview for our international fans and friends, with fully interactive live chat!
The Rene Auberjonois Stage:

9pm PT / 12am ET
Mothers of Trek
A second premiere of this entertaining interview for our international fans and friends, with fully interactive live chat!
The Aron Eisenberg Stage:

10pm PT / 1am ET
Bridget Fitzgerald
Take a few minutes to watch this interview Bridget Fitzgerald as part of Falling Tower’s Watch the First Podcast. Bridget is a brilliant actress, and you’ll be swept up by her charm.
The Rene Auberjonois Stage:

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